
Blood Volume

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Estimate how much blood you have!

This calculator utilizes Nadler equation to determine the blood volume.
For Females: Female blood volume For Males : Male blood volume BV in litres, Height in metres and Weight in kilogram
Note that this calculator is not very suitable for small children and you can use the following reference for them instead.

  • A newborn that is only 15 to 30 minutes old will have an average blood volume of 76.5 milliliters of blood per kilogram.
  • A newborn that is 24 hours old has 83.3 milliliters per kilogram.
  • A three month old has 87 milliliters per kilogram.
  • A six month old has 86 milliliters per kilogram.
  • A child one to six years old has 80 milliliters per kilogram.
  • A ten year old has 75 milliliters per kilogram.
  • A fifteen year old has 71 milliliters per kilogram. As teens reach adult sizes and proportions, their blood volume will be the same as that of adults.
